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Alternative Millennium Episode Titles - French

When Twentieth Century Fox released Millennium in France, the majority of episode titles were renamed, usually according to the content or specific elements of each episode. Presented below is a list of each Season's episodes with alternative French episode titles and their English translations. Some of these alternative titles are very interesting, others are humorous. Our Millennium Episode Profiles also contain these alternative episode titles.

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Millennium Episode Profiles

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Millennium Season One

Alternative French Millennium Episode Titles - Season One
#MLM Code English Episode Title French Episode Title English Translation
#MLM-100PilotLa Seconde VenueThe Second Coming
#MLM-101GehennaLe Visage de la BêteThe Face of the Beast
#MLM-102Dead LettersL'Empreinte de la MortThe Death's Trace
#MLM-104The JudgeLe JugeThe Judge
#MLM-105522666Le Complexe de DieuThe God's Complex
#MLM-103Kingdom ComeDésillusionDisillusion
#MLM-106Blood RelativesParenté SanglanteBlood Relatives
#MLM-107The Well-Worn LockUn Verrou sur le CoeurThe Latch on Heart
#MLM-108Wide OpenMeurtres sans EffractionMurders without Infiltration
#MLM-110The Wild and the InnocentAngelAngel
#MLM-109WeedsMauvaises GrainesBad Weeds
#MLM-111Loin Like a Hunting FlameAmour ImmaculéImmaculate Love
#MLM-112Force MajeureForce MajeureMajor Force
#MLM-113The Thin White LineLes Blessures du PasséThe Wounds from the Past
#MLM-114SacramentLe SacrementThe Sacrament
#MLM-116CovenantLe PacteThe Covenant
#MLM-115WalkaboutLes Jumeaux DiaboliquesDiabolic Twins
#MLM-118Powers, Principalities, Thrones and DominionsLes Principes de la DominationThe Domination's Principles
#MLM-119Broken WorldUn Monde BriséA Broken World
#MLM-121Paper DoveLa Colombe de PapierThe Paper Dove

Millennium Season Two

Alternative French Millennium Episode Titles - Season Two
#MLM Code English Episode Title French Episode Title English Translation
#MLM-201The Beginning and the EndLe Début et la FinThe Beginning and the End
#MLM-202Beware of the DogAttention Chiens MéchantsBeware of the Bad Dogs
#MLM-203Sense and AntisenseGénôme en PérilGenom in Danger
#MLM-204MonsterLe MonstreThe Monster
#MLM-205A Single Blade of GrassUn Simple Brin d'HerbeA Single Blade of Grass
#MLM-207The Curse of Frank BlackLa Malédiction de Frank BlackThe Curse of Frank Black
#MLM-20619:19Apocalypse 19 Verset 19Apocalypse 19 Verse 19
#MLM-208The Hand of Saint SebastianLa Main de Saint SébastienThe Hand of Saint Sebastian
#MLM-209Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense'Le Jugement DernierThe Doomsday
#MLM-211Midnight of the CenturyLa Nuit du SiècleThe Midnight of the Century
#MLM-210Goodbye CharlieGoodbye CharlieGoodbye Charlie
#MLM-212LuminaryL'EveilThe Awakening
#MLM-213The MikadoLa Chambre du MystèreThe Mystery Room
#MLM-215The Pest HouseLes Aliénés du DiableThe Evil's Insanity
#MLM-214OwlsLes ChouettesThe Owls
#MLM-216RoostersLes CoqsThe Roosters
#MLM-217SirenLa SirèneThe Siren
#MLM-218In Arcadia EgoUn Enfant en ArcadieA Child in Arcadia
#MLM-220A Room With No ViewL'Apprentissage de l'OrdinaireApprenticeship of the Ordinary Life
#MLM-221Somehow, Satan Got Behind MeAnalyse DiaboliqueDiabolic Analysis
#MLM-222The Fourth HorsemanLe Quatrième CavalierThe Fourth Horseman
#MLM-223The Time Is NowL'Heure est ProcheThe Time Is Near

Millennium Season Three

Alternative French Millennium Episode Titles - Season Three
#MLM Code English Episode Title French Episode Title English Translation
#MLM-301The InnocentsLes InnocentsThe Innocents
#MLM-303TEOTWAWKICeux qui SurvivrontThose who will Survive
#MLM-305...Thirteen Years LaterTreize Ans Plus TardThirteen Years Later
#MLM-306Skull and BonesOssementsBones
#MLM-307Through a Glass, DarklyRecommencementRestarting
#MLM-309Human EssenceDémons IntérieursThe Devil Inside
#MLM-310Borrowed TimeSursisDelay
#MLM-311Collateral DamageLésions de GuerreWar's Lessons
#MLM-312The Sound of SnowLe Bruit de la MortThe Death's Noise
#MLM-315Forcing the EndForcer le DestinForcing the Destiny
#MLM-316Saturn Dreaming of MercuryJordan Contre LucasJordan Against Lucas
#MLM-318Darwin's EyeL'Oeil de DarwinThe Darwin's Eye
#MLM-317Bardo ThodolBardo ThodolBardo Thodol
#MLM-319Seven and OneSept Ans de MalheurSeven Years of Misfortune
#MLM-321Via DolorosaLe Chemin de CroixThe Way of Cross
#MLM-322Goodbye To All ThatLa Fin d'un TempsThe End of a Time