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Millennium Uncredited Crew Profiles

Presented below is a complete alphabetical listing of all currently known uncredited Crew Members who worked on Chris Carter's Millennium TV series. Uncredited crew members are people known to have worked on Millennium but who were uncredited in the show's opening and closing episode credits. This list however, ONLY includes uncredited crew members for whom we still do not know which episodes they worked on. If it becomes clear which episodes they worked on, they will recieve a full crew member's profile.

Some uncredited crew members are known to have worked on specific episodes and hence they have normal crew profiles in our episode and credits guide. These state their uncredited role in those particular episodes and hence they are are not listed here. To clarify, this list includes only those crew members where it is known they worked on Millennium, but not in which capacity or which episodes they actually worked on.

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Credit Listings

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Listing all currently uncredited and unallocated Millennium Crew Profiles in alphabetical order:

  1. Ross Framo: Uncredited: Computer Playback Operator
  2. Scott Steyns: Uncredited: Computer Playback Coordinator
  3. Thyrza Segal: Uncredited: Cutter
  4. Valentine Pavuls: Uncredited: Assistant Property Master