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Episode Reviews and Articles

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Episode Articles

There are currently 1 episode articles available for this episode. You can access a list of all Millennium Episode Articles here.


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Episode Info

Episode Title:

 Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions

MLM Code:


Production Code:




Original Airdate:


Episode Summary:

Despite the fact that Frank feels he is unable to continue with his work on an emotional level, Peter Watts insists that he investigate a series of strange satanic slayings that may hold an unexpected link to the mysterious death of Bob Bletcher. While working on the case, the Millennium Group becomes caught in a battle between the human representations of demons and angels here on earth.

Main Crew:

Written by Ted Mann & Harold Rosenthal
Directed by Thomas J. Wright
Edited by George R. Potter

Episode Stills:

A random image from Chris Carter's Millennium.
A second random image from Chris Carter's Millennium.
A third random image from Chris Carter's Millennium.

There are a total of 170 images for this episode Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions which are available here.

Awards and Nominations:

This episode of Millennium did not receive any Nominations or Awards.

Related Millennium Articles

There are currently 1 articles which relate to this Millennium episode. Please select an article from the list below, alternatively if there are none available, you can return to the Millennium Episode Articles.

  1. Pressed by evil - A look at the artwork in Al Pepper’s Office
    Contributor: Viivi