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Sarah-Jane Redmond - Millennium Cast Profile

A Millennium cast profile of Sarah-Jane Redmond, listing all episodes and seasons in which Sarah-Jane Redmond appeared. The main cast and guest stars of Chris Carter's Millennium have summaries, trivia and biographies where available.

Please note that our episode, cast, character and crew profiles may contain potential spoilers if you have yet to see the entire series of Millennium.

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Interviews with Sarah-Jane Redmond

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This profile has been viewed 22997 times.

It was last viewed on Saturday, January 25, 2025, 12:47 AM (UTC).

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Personal Trivia

  • On October 5th 2007, Sarah-Jane welcomed the safe arrival of her newborn son Lucas.
  • Sarah-Jane Redmond appeared in 5 episode/s of the Millennium television series.

Awards Won for Millennium

  • Unfortunately Sarah-Jane Redmond didn't win any awards for Millennium.

Award Nominations for Millennium

  • Sadly Sarah-Jane Redmond didn't receive any award nominations for Millennium.

Sarah-Jane Redmond's Millennium Cast Profile

Sarah-Jane Redmond - Millennium profile image.


Sarah-Jane Redmond is an accomplished actress, well versed in the many aspects of her chosen profession which she considers to be her ‘craft‘. Indeed throughout Sarah-Jane‘s career the actress has gathered an extensive resume of skills and experience including Dance, Theatre, Film and Television work. Born in Cyprus, Sarah-Jane and her family visited many countries before settling at the age of ten years in Canada. Indeed, Sarah-Jane recalls from an even earlier age her desire that she would one day become an actress.

The young and inspired Sarah-Jane attended Dancemakers Studio in Toronto for six years, under professional Brian Foley, before moving to London after her graduation. Within her first year in the United Kingdom Sarah-Jane was accepted into theatre school but, instead, chose to return to Canada to study at the famous William Davis Centre in Vancouver (William Davis is instantly recognisable for his famous portrayal of The Cigarette Smoking Man, in The X-Files). Sarah-Jane currently still lives in Canada which has been the home of many of her projects. In a recent interview with me Sarah-Jane shared her thoughts on living in Vancouver: "I love living here in Canada" she admitted. "It has been great to me both professionally and personally. Although I was not born here I consider it my home, but I could for sure see myself spending a lot of time down in Belize."†

Shortly after graduation Sarah-Jane launched her own Theatre company. It was during one of her productions that a visiting Agent was impressed with her talent, assisting her to commence a varied and thorough career which has seen her work with many ‘stars‘, production crews, famous studios and distributors including Warner Bros, Universal, Twentieth Century Fox and Columbia amongst many others.

Sarah-Jane has achieved a mixture of mainstream and cult success becoming a much loved and respected actress, in particular with the determined fans of Chris Carter‘s Millennium TV series. Whilst it is fair to say that Chris Carter and his production company Ten Thirteen (so named after his birthday) is best known for his commercial success with The X-Files (in which Redmond has also appeared twice), it is the critically acclaimed and less well known Millennium which has seen Sarah-Jane attract the most attention and following. Sarah-Jane credits Millennium as the springboard for her television career and in particular for persuading her to continue her chosen field of acting at a time when she considered otherwise; "Millennium... was the experience that inspired me to continue in the field of acting, and taught me so many wonderful tools that continue to help me strive for the best.". Sarah-Jane recalls "I wanted so much to work on Millennium, as I found Chris Carter a prolific and captivating writer, and was pleased to hear I had an audition for him in an episode that David Nutter was to direct. I knew at the time that I felt very strong about the audition, and was surprised to say the least when the casting director called me at home. They did not want to give me the part I had auditioned for because they had a new recurring character that they would like me to play. This was the part of Lucy Butler."‡

Sarah-Jane, forever cherished by hardcore fans of Millennium for her portrayal of Lucy Butler, is thankful that the role led her to work with the multi-talented Lance Henriksen, who played Millennium‘s central character Frank Black. The two actors share a unique understanding of their work which has seen them team up once again for the film The Invitation. Reminiscing about her time spent with Lance, Sarah-Jane recalls "Lance Henriksen I simply cannot say enough about. I have worked with many ‘stars‘ and Lance has been by far the greatest example of grace, talent, joy, commitment, and generosity I have ever come across. At the time I was considering not continuing my career, as I found television disheartening by the people I had been working with. It was nothing like the rush I had felt in theatre school, the rush of communicating with another actor, creating intensity and chemistry. When I worked with Lance, it was like lightning. He is so alive, so willing to play, and be challenged."‡

I recently asked Sarah-Jane if she would like to one day revive the role of Lucy and once more become the nemesis of Millennium‘s Frank Black. She responded "I would of course love to work with Lance again. I learned so much from him, and he was a great mentor to me. It would be fantastic to get inside Lucy Butler once again. I have many thoughts on where she could go, but, if in the hands of Chris Carter I think I would prefer to see what comes from his mind." †

Take a short look at the television credits of Sarah-Jane and you‘ll immediately notice the lady has a penchant for science-fiction. Her list, in addition to Millennium and The X-Files, includes a mixture of appearances and recurring roles on The Outer Limits, Smallville: Superman The Early Years, Andromeda, Alienated, cult favourite Harsh Realm and not forgetting James Cameron‘s Dark Angel and Steven Spielberg‘s Taken. Her television and movie credits however include other varying genres besides science fiction, adding examples of family/children, horror, comedy and dramatisation to her name. Sarah-Jane has a recurring lead role in the award winning, long running crime detective series Da Vinci‘s Inquest which has entered its seventh season. She has also completed two series of Alienated which is a quirky sci-fi comedy and features some strong storylines.

Off screen Sarah-Jane maintains an active and adrenaline inducing fitness and sports orientated regime which includes running, boxing, sky diving, ocean diving and undertakes regular Hap-Ki Do martial arts training.

When considering Sarah-Jane there is no doubt as to the talent and experience of this actress. It‘s also impossible to forget the professional pride which Sarah-Jane injects into her work. Sarah-Jane is certainly a charming and intelligent actress, one who will continue to rise to and enjoy new challenges.

Graham P. Smith

†From currently unpublished content. ‡Quotes from an interview with Scott Pugliese for This Is Who We Are.

Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit

Sarah-Jane Redmond was a member of Millennium's cast.

External Sites

Official Website

An official website for Sarah-Jane Redmond is available at: Entry

Sarah-Jane Redmond has an entry at the IMDB (Internet Movie Database): Entry

Sarah-Jane Redmond has an entry at The Movie Database:

Wikipedia Entry

Sarah-Jane Redmond has a Wikipedia entry:

Social Media Presence

X Profile

Sarah-Jane Redmond has an official X (formerly known as Twitter) page:

Instagram Page:

Sarah-Jane Redmond has an Instagram page:

Facebook Page:

Sarah-Jane Redmond has an official Facebook page:

Millennium Appearances

Sarah-Jane Redmond appeared in the following 5 episode/s of Millennium:

MLM#-117 Lamentation as Lucy Butler

MLM#-118 Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions as Lucy Butler

MLM#-220 A Room With No View as Lucy Butler

MLM#-313 Antipas as Lucy Butler

MLM#-316 Saturn Dreaming of Mercury as Lucy Butler

Other Ten-Thirteen shows

The X-Files:
2.12 "Aubrey" - Young Mother
5.09 "Schizogeny" - Karin Matthews
Harsh Realm:
1.01 "Pilot" - Inga Fossa
1.02 "Leviathan" - Inga Fossa
1.03 "Cincinnati" - Inga Fossa
1.08 "Inga Fossa" - Inga Fossa
The X Files: I Want to Believe (2008):
Special Agent in Charge Fossa