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Chip Johannessen - Millennium Crew Profile

A Millennium profile listing all episodes and seasons on which Chip Johannessen contributed. The main crew members have summaries and biographies where available, and we continue to add and update profile content regulary.

Please note that our episode, cast, character and crew profiles may contain potential spoilers, if you have yet to see the entire series of Millennium.

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Millennium Crew Profile Stats

This profile has been viewed 9519 times.

It was last viewed on Friday, February 7, 2025, 7:39 PM (UTC).

Profile ID


Personal Trivia

  • Chip is married to Virginia Stock Johannessen, writer of the Millennium season 3 episode MLM#-317  Bardo Thodol.
  • In 2009, Chip was elected to serve a two year stint on the Writer's Guild of America West's Board of Directors.
  • Chip Johannessen undertook a total of 79 roles on Chris Carter's Millennium television series.

Awards Won for Millennium

  • Unfortunately Chip Johannessen didn't win any awards for Millennium.

Award Nominations for Millennium

  • Sadly Chip Johannessen didn't receive any award nominations for Millennium.

Chip Johannessen's Millennium Crew Profile

Chip Johannessen - Millennium profile image.


Chip Johannessen was born in Detroit and educated at Harvard University, where he wrote pieces for The Harvard Lampoon. He later embarked on a short-lived career as a rock guitarist before turning his attention to writing. His past credits include; Beverly Hills 90210 and The Monroes.

Johannessen served as Co-Producer and staff writer for "Millennium" (1996/I) during its first two seasons, before executive producing the show in season 3 following the departure of Glen Morgan and James Wong.

Co-wrote with Howard Gordon the pilot for the drama/horror show Ultraviolet (2000) for FOX, in which a NY detective realizes that vampires are real. While looking intriguing, it was never produced.

Took over as show runner of "Moonlight" (2007) when David Greenwalt left the show due to creative differences (July 2007).

In 2009, Chip joined season 7 of 24, serving as Consulting Producer and was also successfully elected to serve for 2 years on the Board of Directors at the Writer‘s Guild of America West.

Chip has subsequently taken over in 2010 as Executive Producer and showrunner on Season 5 of the hit Showtime series Dexter.

Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit

Chip Johannessen was a member of the Millennium crew.

External Sites

Official Website

If you are aware of an official website for Chip Johannessen, let us know and we'll add it to this section. Entry

Chip Johannessen has an entry at the IMDB (Internet Movie Database): Entry

Chip Johannessen has an entry at The Movie Database:

Wikipedia Entry

Chip Johannessen has a Wikipedia entry:

Social Media Presence

Official X Profile

Sorry, we don't currently have an official X profile for Chip Johannessen.

Instagram Page

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Facebook Page

Sorry, we don't currently have an official Facebook page for Chip Johannessen.

Millennium Production Roles

Chip Johannessen worked on the following 79 episode/s of Millennium:

Other Ten-Thirteen shows

The X-Files: Writer (1 episode)