Stephen James Lang's Millennium Cast Profile
Sorry, we do not currently have a profile for Stephen James Lang. Profiles are updated on a regular basis, so please check again soon. If you would like to write a profile description, please contact us.
Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit
Stephen James Lang was a member of Millennium's cast.
External Sites
Official Website
If you are aware of an official website for Stephen James Lang, let us know and we'll add it to this section. Entry
Stephen James Lang has an entry at the IMDB (Internet Movie Database): Entry
Stephen James Lang has an entry at The Movie Database:
Wikipedia Entry
Sorry, we don't currently have a Wikipedia entry link for Stephen James Lang.
Social Media Presence
Official X Profile
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Instagram Page
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Facebook Page
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Millennium Appearances
Stephen James Lang appeared in the following 16 episode/s of Millennium:
MLM#-100 Pilot as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-104 The Judge as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-106 Blood Relatives as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-108 Wide Open as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-114 Sacrament as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-115 Walkabout as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-117 Lamentation as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-118 Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-203 Sense and Antisense as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-209 Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense' as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-210 Goodbye Charlie as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-216 Roosters as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-217 Siren as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-220 A Room With No View as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-303 TEOTWAWKI as Det. Bob Giebelhouse
MLM#-312 The Sound of Snow as Det. Bob Giebelhouse