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Peter Watts - Millennium Character Profile

A Millennium character profile, listing all episodes in which Peter Watts appeared. All main characters of Chris Carter's Millennium have detailed profile descriptions and profile photos where available, with more descriptions routinely added.

Where relevant, the Millennium character profile includes any determined ties or specific allegiances, for example with the competing factions of the Millennium Group introduced in Season Two; the secular Owls or the theological Roosters, or whether the character is determined as being associated with the seemingly coordinated presence of pure evil working against humanity, known informally as Legion.

Please note that all of our episode, cast, character and crew profiles may contain potential spoilers if you have yet to see the entire series of Millennium.

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Millennium Character Profile Stats

This profile has been viewed 31530 times.

It was last viewed on Saturday, January 25, 2025, 10:19 AM (UTC).

Profile ID


Behaviorial Record

There is no behavorial data available for Peter Watts.

Faction, Occupation, Rank etc.


Personal Trivia

  • Peter Watts's Millennium Group Database login is the phrase: "My God, its full of stars". Our forum member Laurent advises that although the phrase "Oh my God! It's full of stars!" is first seen in Arthur C. Clarke's novel version of 2001, Kubrick didn't use it. So technically, as far as the movies are concerned, it's from 2010 in which it was heard.
  • Peter's wife is Barbara.
  • Peter's daughters are Chelsea, Erin, and Taylor.
  • Quote courtesy of Terry O' (Unofficial Fan Site):
    Jan 19 2005
    I was disappointed when Millenium was canceled. I thought it was a great show, especially in the first season. They tried to soften it a little in the second, but still I thought it was nice and dark... and moody
  • Quote courtesy of Terry O' (Unofficial Fan Site):
    Jan 15 2005
    I don't know what they intended at that time. I think they wanted to leave it open, but since the show was killed, I guess we can say that Peter was too... a little closure.
  • Peter Watts appeared in 40 episode/s of the Millennium television series.

Peter Watts' Millennium Character Profile

Peter Watts - Millennium profile image.


Peter Watts left his position as Assistant Director of the FBI‘s Violent Crimes Task Force to join The Millennium Group, which promised him, like Frank, understanding in a chaotic world. He later became a senior member of the Group and Patron to Frank Black, assisting him on numerous Group assigned cases.

As the Marburg Virus spread across the Pacific Northwest, Frank challenged his colleague and friend to realize the controlling, manipulative nature of the Group. While trying to reach Lara Means, the Group abducted Peter and somehow restored his loyalty.

Peter then followed Frank to Quantico and worked toward damaging both Frank‘s credibility and his accusations against The Group. Ultimately, he accepted the truth of Frank‘s claims and to protect his family, Peter tried to expose The Group by giving Frank a folder of sensitive information. His actions saved Frank and Jordan‘s lives... at the suspected cost of his own.

Profile courtesy of Millennium FAQ.

Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit

Peter Watts was a character in the television series Millennium.

Mortality Count: 
1 Deaths

(Comprised of 0 murders + 0 kills in self defence + 1 justifiable homicides + 0 suicides.)

Violence Markers

Peter Watts killed Rudolf Axmann during the Millennium episode Roosters (#MLM-216).

Millennium Appearances

Peter Watts appeared in the following 40 episode/s of Millennium: