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Space: Above and Beyond's Glen Morgan & James Wong, January 27, 1998

Originally published in 1998, Glen Morgan and James Wong primarily discuss S:AAB as well as Millennium, other projects and their relationship with Fox in his online chat transcript.

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Interview Info

This interview has been viewed 8412 times.

It was last viewed on Saturday, January 25, 2025, 6:41 AM (UTC).

Interview Source:

Interview Date:

January 27th 1998

Millennium Cast or Crew Interview:

This is a crew interview with Glen Morgan.

Personal Trivia:

  • Glen Morgan is the older brother of Darin Morgan.
  • Actress Kristen Cloke who plays Lara Means is married to Glen Morgan, and hence is the sister-in-law of Darin Morgan.
  • Morgan and Wong have their own production company (Hard Eight Productions) which produced Space: Above and Beyond.
  • Glen was born in El Cajon, California, USA.
  • Has one daughter named Chelsea Morgan with ex-wife Cindy Morgan.
  • Glen Morgan appeared in 51 episode/s of the Millennium television series.

Space: Above and Beyond's Glen Morgan & James Wong, January 27, 1998

Glen Morgan - Millennium profile image.



Moderator: Type /msg Moderator to send your questions for Glen and James.

Moderator: We'll be starting the chat in just a moment.

GlenMorgan: Hi
JamesWong: hello

Moderator: I'd like to welcome Glen Morgan and James Wong to our chat tonight.

Moderator: Glen and James first caught the attention of sci-fi aficionados in 1993 as co-executive producers of the award-winning series The X-Files.

Moderator: In 1995, they launched their own series, the space combat saga Space: Above and Beyond, which ran on Fox for one season and now airs on the Sci-Fi Channel. They are currently both executive producers on Millennium.

Moderator: Hello Glen, and hello James. Thanks for joining us tonight. Can you briefly introduce yourselves to our audience?

JamesWong: Hi.
GlenMorgan: Hi
JamesWong: (is that brief enough?)
GlenMorgan: Thanks for comming

Moderator: Okay.

GlenMorgan: Thanks for the great turnout on Sci-Fi Channel
JamesWong: We're looking forward to hearing some questions about our favorite show, Space: Above & Beyond.
GlenMorgan: It means a lot to the cast and crew

Moderator: <DB> to <Moderator>: To Morgan & Wong; Hello. When you started writing Saab did you have an idea of how the show would eventually end? What was it?

JamesWong: We thought it would be longer - hopefully 5 years of SAAB.
GlenMorgan: We didn't know how it would end - we hoped it would run a lot longer
JamesWong: When it came down to knowing they'd be cancelling the show, we came up with that ending.
GlenMorgan: (Laughs)

Moderator: <DSBlade> to <Moderator>: Was the show geared for more than one season?

GlenMorgan: Yes
JamesWong: Yes. In fact, even as it was ending we had planned the 2nd season as a selling point to FOX.
JamesWong: So, in the 2nd season, McQueen was going to be back on Earth dealing with his disabilities.
JamesWong: There was going to be sort of a new honcho of the 58th, who was going to be a woman.
JamesWong: We were planning on introducing some new characters.
JamesWong: So, we had already kind of mapped out loosely the 2nd season when we realized they were going to cancel the we sorta killed off all the characters. (laughs)

Moderator: <Ilya> to <Moderator>: what caused FOX to finally cancell the show? was it the high budget or low ratings or something else?

GlenMorgan: Their stupidity !
JamesWong: I think it was a combination of that they didn't have the confidence that we had in the show really picking up steam. Towards the end, they didn't give us enough airings in a row.
JamesWong: They promised us 5 airings in a row Friday at 8 and they renegged on that.
JamesWong: They ended up only giving us 2. That was the timeslot we always asked for.
JamesWong: Without much promotion - we really felt that they didn't give us a chance.

Moderator: <Thehammer> to <Moderator>: Were you happy with how the show ended?

GlenMorgan: I was not happy that it ended but was happy that it ended the way it did - story wise

Moderator: <WAPBodie> to <Moderator>: Were you pleased with the great ratings SAAB got on SciFi?

JamesWong: We were ecstatic!
JamesWong: We were telling every FOX executive we saw that day what great numbers they got.
JamesWong: .

Moderator: <JooJanta> to <Moderator>: Is there anything about Space that you would do differently now?

GlenMorgan: I think I would have not have done "Hostal Visit" or "Choice or Chance"
JamesWong: Knowing what we know now, it's too easy to say why we would've done so many things differently.
JamesWong: For me, it's a process of finding the show...I think some of the earlier episodes can be a little clunky as we're finding the show, but that's normal in every series.

Moderator: <GreyHunte> to <Moderator>: If the show continues to be popular on the Sci-Fi Channel, do you think you might change the ending and make more episodes?

GlenMorgan: If anyone cared we would definately make more episodes
GlenMorgan: But the ending would not be the ending if that were the case

Moderator: <CwazyCat> to <Moderator>: Would you ever consider doing a movie? tv or otherwise?

JamesWong: Absolutely. In fact, at the X-Files episode party we cornered Peter Roth, who's the head of Fox network, and almost sold him on a 2-hour movie.
GlenMorgan: Do you mean of Space ? YES !

Moderator: <Arphaxad> to <Moderator>: How do you respond to the accusation that Starship Troopers was "Space Above And Beyond: The Movie," previous novel or otherwise?

JamesWong: I didn't see ST so I can't comment.
GlenMorgan: It was not as good as the novel but much better that the movie
GlenMorgan: We always looked at the novel " The Forever War" by Joe Haldeman
GlenMorgan: Not the novel "Starship Troopers"

Moderator: <Punchey> to <Moderator>: Did Heinlin's Starship Troopers have any part in inspiring Space: Above and Beyond?

GlenMorgan: I had never read Starship Troopers,
JamesWong: I read ST a long time ago but I didn't even think about it to tell you the truth. We were more influenced by our fictional war class in college,
JamesWong: in which we read the Ilyad, Red Badge of Courage, the Naked And The Dead...up to Forever War. Those are the books that influenced SAAB.

Moderator: <ChiggiVonRichthofen> to

<Moderator>: What can we, as fans, do to help bring about a SAAB movie? "The Fanbase IS Out There..." :)

GlenMorgan: All of us appreciate it SO much. Keep watching on The Sci-Fi Channel
JamesWong: (cool nickname :)
JamesWong: All we can do is show the network the ratings on SFC and hopefully we can convince them that there are people who want to watch it.

Moderator: <SixthSense> to <Moderator>: If Space had been renewed for a second season, what would you have done differently in the last episode?

GlenMorgan: I don't know.
GlenMorgan: I don't know if I would have done anything differently in the last episode
JamesWong: The script was written so that it was a little bit less clear that the people had we might have kept to that more.
JamesWong: That might be the only thing we would've done differently..

Moderator: <DocKate> to <Moderator>: How many plots/ideas did you have for season 2?

Moderator: Type /msg Moderator to send your questions for Glen and James.

JamesWong: We had just the barest outlines of the direction we wanted to go.
GlenMorgan: 6-12
GlenMorgan: I have the better memory
JamesWong: Glen has a better memory, it's true.

Moderator: <DaveMedic> to <Moderator>: If the show had been allowed to continue, woud you have given us glimpses into Chig society and culture?

GlenMorgan: Yes. We did it in show 22 or 21 ?
JamesWong: oh yeah!
JamesWong: show 21, when we saw the incubators on that planet. that was the beginning.

Moderator: <Punchey> to <Moderator>: I think a question that everyone's always asked is, "is Wang really dead?"

JamesWong: Yes, he is dead....
JamesWong: if there's a movie, there might be a miraculous escape hatch. ;)
GlenMorgan: If this is the movie - he may not be so dead
GlenMorgan: Are you Joel Da Lafonte asking this Q?

Moderator: <Thehammer> to <Moderator>: If you had the chance would you make the show more like Babylon 5 with a definaate beginning, middle and end?

JamesWong: No.

Moderator: <WldCard> to <Moderator>: In your opinions, what were the best and worst things about SAAB (aside from cancellation)?

JamesWong: The best thing was Reverse Stars.
GlenMorgan: Best thing - the friends we made, episodes we were allowed to do , the reactions of fans
JamesWong: The worst thing was the difficulty in producing it - 16, 18 hour days almost all the time.
GlenMorgan: worst thing - the hours it took, being lied to by the network,
GlenMorgan: Being lied to was a very painful lesson !

Moderator: <DeadSpark> to <Moderator>: How many inside jokes were there that we didn't know about?

JamesWong: You know, I can't remember! There were a lot!
GlenMorgan: HA, HA, HA! ....632
JamesWong: We had a lot of "Charger" inside stuff.
JamesWong: Leslie O'Neal was on the show in one episode because, you know, we're huge fans.
JamesWong: Commedor Ross was named after Bobby Ross, who used to be the coach.

Moderator: <Guyver> to <Moderator>: I know the shows were rather expensive to make, but with today's technology, could you do them a lot cheaper?

GlenMorgan: Constantly hearing that they were a little expensive makes me a little nuts
JamesWong: Possibly. We've been told since the show's been cancelled that they never lost a dime on SAAB, so it wasn't the reason why it was cancelled, apparently.
GlenMorgan: During the season we were able to control costs and the show MADE THEM MONEY !
GlenMorgan: So - hearing about the Costs makes me NUTS

Moderator: <blazerunner> to <Moderator>: How were you lied to?

GlenMorgan: We were told we would get 6 weeks - Friday at 8pm the month of April
GlenMorgan: That we would get Fri night in JAn as well. Neither one of those happened
GlenMorgan: We got ***around
GlenMorgan: I wish the Sci-Fi Channel had the show - they treat it right, and promote it right

Moderator: <Kellie> to <Moderator>: The S:AAB episode where Wang is imitating McQueen... was that scripted or spontaneous? It was a wonderful bit of mimicry

Moderator: Type /msg Moderator to send your questions for Glen and James.

JamesWong: We walked around the set one time, we saw Tucker playing blues guitar outside the trailer.
GlenMorgan: Joel used to walk around impersonating James Morrison, so James and I scripted it in
JamesWong: We asked "can you really play that? Bring it to the set and we can use that!"
JamesWong: We would see things like that and incorporate them into the scripts.

Moderator: <Hellboy> to <Moderator>: How can you remain loyal to the Fox network after such treatment?

GlenMorgan: We're not - we're going to CBS
JamesWong: Our next project is with CBS.

Moderator: What's your next project?

JamesWong: It's a show staring Arsenio Hall and George Eads - an action/comedy.
JamesWong: Not sci-fi at all.

Moderator: <Pusher> to <Moderator>: and nothing for X-files???

GlenMorgan: Our time is over for X-Files

Moderator: <UncleMeat> to <Moderator>: Have you finished writing the script for the Devlin/Emmerich version of Fantastic Voyage?

GlenMorgan: Yes, we finished it last June
JamesWong: yes, we did. and there's been sort of a snafu in that.
JamesWong: Devlin & Emmerich are probably going to Sony but the rights to FV are owned by FOX so there's been some hang-up in the picture because of that.

Moderator: <ldyred> to <Moderator>: So you will no longer be working on Mellinium?

JamesWong: We have the rest of this season left - 6 more episodes.
GlenMorgan: we have 6 more episodes

Moderator: <Matt--A> to <Moderator>: Excuse me, but just said your next project is with CBS? Just about every good program aired on that network was canceled. Look at AMERICAN GOTHIC! Why do you feel comfortable there? At least FOX takes risks.

Moderator: Type /msg Moderator to send your questions for Glen and James.

GlenMorgan: Not with us !
JamesWong: It's not that we feel comfortable - I guess every network can screw you. But so far it's been a pleasant experience. Until we get screwed ourselves, we'll hope for the best.

Moderator: <DocKate> to <Moderator>: If Millennium is renewed, will you re-up?

GlenMorgan: No
JamesWong: I think Millennium has a very good chance of being renewed. The numbers for the originals, when they're promoted, are quite good.
GlenMorgan: We really enjoy doing Millennium, we are really good friends with many people involved. It's just FOX shows no interest in us.

Moderator: <KC> to <Moderator>: Where did you two meet? How did you begin working together?

JamesWong: We met in high school in El Cajon, CA.
JamesWong: We actually went to college together at Loyola Marymount University.
JamesWong: When we came out of college, our friends got us a job at this production company and that's when we started writing together.

Moderator: <Sitruc-of-Borg> to <Moderator>: Where you sci-fi freaks back then?

GlenMorgan: Just Freaks
JamesWong: (laughs)
JamesWong: I always read SF when I was a kid, but we weren't writing science fiction stuff.

Moderator: <blazerunner> to <Moderator>: what was the first project you two worked on?

GlenMorgan: A movie called "The Boys Next Door" please don't watch it.

Moderator: <Kellie> to <Moderator>: Is one of you Plot vs. Dialogue or do you both do both?

Moderator: And a follow up:

Moderator: <JooJanta> to <Moderator>: when you write scripts, do you write the whole thing together, four-handed at the computer, or do you divide it up or something?

GlenMorgan: Both do both
JamesWong: We've done it every which way possible.
GlenMorgan: Ha
GlenMorgan: It depends upon time and schedule
JamesWong: But lately, we've just been doing back-to-back-to-back scripts. I would write one, Glen would write one, etc.
GlenMorgan: We work out the story together. One of us writes it, the other re-writes it
GlenMorgan: The good ones are Jim's, the bad ones are mine , the great ones are Darren's

Moderator: <Atrus> to <Moderator>: "Any other movie plans?"

Moderator: And a follow up:

Moderator: <Poopzee> to <Moderator>: James, did you enjoy directing and will you do more?

JamesWong: we have a couple of old scripts that we want to get going as movies.
JamesWong: I did very much enjoy directing...most of the time. (laughs)
JamesWong: Some days are not as fun. I hope to be able to do more.

Moderator: <Pags> to <Moderator>: Who are/were your role models?

JamesWong: (thinking)
GlenMorgan: Our parents
JamesWong: I think my parents, and my brother.
JamesWong: My brother because my father - I didn't really know until I was like 21 because he was stuck in China.

Moderator: <NytProwlr> to <Moderator>: What do you think of the fan "presence" on the internet?

JamesWong: In the beginning, the X-Files Internet fans really helped us - to read their comments.
GlenMorgan: The SAAB fans are wonderful, their imput and support are great . Other shows - life is tougher
JamesWong: Towards the middle of the run for us, on X-Files, it became very much UNhelpful because we felt that they sort of had taken a position that new things shouldn't be tried.

Moderator: <DSBlade> to <Moderator>: Have you both always wanted to be writers?

JamesWong: No. I wanted to be an astronaut. (laughs)
GlenMorgan: Yes, in any capacity of making movies

Moderator: <RedBaron> to <Moderator>: -(PLEASE!!!!!! - I've been trying to find this out for TWO years!) I started posting as the Red Baron on the Fox BBoards (still there) BEFORE he showed up in NNM and TAA _ peoplehave asked me WHEN did you decide to add that to the eps?

GlenMorgan: Around show 11
GlenMorgan: I,m not sure, probably around Nov 95
JamesWong: I don't remember...
JamesWong: The Red Baron is a historical figure. (laughs) I think we were inspired by history more than your online screen name.

Moderator: <Greyhound> to <Moderator>: How do you react to the weirder fan support? Like the dogtag project a while ago, and birthday presents, things like that? Do you think we're all just wacko?

GlenMorgan: The dog tags are on my desk as we speak
JamesWong: No! We're very touched by the outpouring of support and we have all those memorabilia in our offices.
GlenMorgan: The jar of marbles are on my desk at home
JamesWong: They gave us each a jar - mine is on top of my entertainment center in my office.
JamesWong: .

Moderator: <DarkAngel> to <Moderator>: Are you still interested in X-Files anymore? As in, still respect it?

JamesWong: Of course I respect it. It's just that we don't have an opportunity to really work on it.
GlenMorgan: Of course I do.
JamesWong: I watch it just like anybody else, on Sunday night - if the babies are cooperating.

Moderator: <Oy> to <Moderator>: Do you feel that after reaching a certain level of fame, that you are just in a different world than the rest of us, and so your writing becomes less true?

GlenMorgan: (Laughs)
JamesWong: (laughs too)
GlenMorgan: I hope I am not being presumptious (Laughs)
JamesWong: I don't think we're really in a different level of fame!
GlenMorgan: I have no Idea, we are not famous
JamesWong: We're not like Chris Carter - we're not recognizable on the street.
GlenMorgan: That Q was clearly from my MOM

Moderator: <GreyHunte> to <Moderator>: How long is an average week of work for you?

JamesWong: It feels endless.
GlenMorgan: I average 14 hrs a day

Moderator: Type /msg Moderator to send your questions for Glen and James.

JamesWong: For instance, last night I was in my office until 10:30pm.

Moderator: <Elroy-L> to <Moderator>: : we see many references to SAAB in x-files and millen., that must be you guys?

GlenMorgan: Yeah, the x-files guys don't know they're SAAB references

Moderator: <DSBlade> to <Moderator>: When do you write, morning, afternoon, or all the time?

GlenMorgan: Well, it works out - all the time
JamesWong: because we have such time constraints, we take whatever time we can to write.
JamesWong: there are so many different responsibilties we have, as well as responsibilities to our families.
GlenMorgan: we might wright in the morning, edit in the afternoon, etc, You just do what needs to be done when you can
JamesWong: the morning is my favorite time.

Moderator: <Pags> to <Moderator>: Any words of wisdom to those who would follow in your footsteps?

Moderator: And a follow up:

Moderator: <genie> to <Moderator>: Do you have any *real* advice for aspiring writers?

JamesWong: Perserverence is the most important thing.
GlenMorgan: As corny as is sounds - to write what you believe in
GlenMorgan: If you start writing for executives or "Go by the Book" if won't work
JamesWong: We hoped the characters - the longings they have, the problems - the emotional arcs of the characters are the things we "know" and that's what we write.
GlenMorgan: And... DON'T GIVE UP !

Moderator: <Sitruc-of-Borg> to <Moderator>: Have you ever goten writer's block?

GlenMorgan: There is a JINX Q
JamesWong: There are times when I feel like what we put down on the page is not as it should be, but because we need to have something out there, there it is.
JamesWong: In that case, you know that it could be better but you just can't get it and you don't have the time.
GlenMorgan: I haven't had a block - I've had so much to write that the stuff isn't very good
JamesWong: That's the kind of writers' block we have on TV.

Moderator: <Rynn> to <Moderator>: I've heard that a lot of writers keep dream journals to help inspire them, do either of you do that?

JamesWong: I did once, and then I realized that I was a psychotic, so I stopped doing it.
GlenMorgan: (Laughs)
GlenMorgan: No, but I did have incredible dreams while on the Nicotine Patch that got worked into a Millennium eps.

Moderator: <Sensation> to <Moderator>: PLEASE FORWARD!!! I've now seen the name Jack Colquitt on three of your shows. What's the significance?


Moderator: The chat will end at 10pm, so please ask your last questions now.

GlenMorgan: That is a good luck character for us.
JamesWong: The very first story treatment we wrote, when we were just starting as PA, at Sandy Howard Productions, the main character's name was Jack Colquitt. From that treatment, we got The Boys Next Door to write...
JamesWong: it's a good luck name.
GlenMorgan: It is a good luck name

Moderator: <Hellblaze> to <Moderator>: Would you ever consider doing the cheesy 10 years later SAAB telemovie?


JamesWong: (laughs) We would do any cheesy thing they would let us do.
GlenMorgan: I would do the back the back of a SAAB cereal box at this time - anything

Moderator: <CG> to <Moderator>: VERY Important question: The Fox SAAB (Space) Board still exists & has loyal fans, any chance of visiting it again??? It's at:

GlenMorgan: Yes, If I can get past my freecell game
JamesWong: I haven't done that for any show I've worked on so far...but I'll try to stop by.

Moderator: (Don't forget we have a S:AAB section on our own BBoard.)

Moderator: <Pags> to <Moderator>: What do you consider your greatest achievement?

GlenMorgan: Our Children
JamesWong: (not Glen and my children...the families that we each have)
GlenMorgan: Not Jim and I, that's impossible

Moderator: <Incubus> to <Moderator>: One of the great aspects of Space was the way the music was incorporated. It felt like watching a movie! How did you choose the songs or classical pieces?

GlenMorgan: Well, before answering that - there is not a better composer that Shirley Walker
GlenMorgan: They were also pieces that Jim and I have been listening to our whole lives, we just incorporated it into our shows
JamesWong: Mainly things that we listen to that touch us or move us -that's how we choose our music.

Moderator: <Hellboy> to <Moderator>: Do you have a personal favorite SAAB episode? One where everything clicked and turned out extremely well?

GlenMorgan: I like "Who Monitors the Birds"
JamesWong: I like that one, and I loved River of Stars.
JamesWong: I liked Sugar Dirt, too.

Moderator: Okay, we're about to wrap up...any parting thoughts for us?

GlenMorgan: (Laughs)
JamesWong: Be good citizens. (laughs)
GlenMorgan: Thanks so much for the support that you have given "Space" on the Sci-Fi Channel,
JamesWong: Hopefully, we'll be able to do some new episodes some day.
JamesWong: I'm so grateful that people love something that we love so much ourselves.
JamesWong: I'm very thankful for that.
GlenMorgan: In general, it is always touching to be invited into these chats
GlenMorgan: From the bottom of our hearts, we really appreciate it !

Moderator: Thanks so much for joining us tonight. And best of luck with your future projects. We'll now make the room unmoderated.

hunga: thanks JAMES & GLEN!

CwazyCat1: first!

ethurmnd: :)

Earth2Kim: Thank you!!

Punchy: Hoorah!

Greyhound: Woohoo!

CwazyCat1: Thanks guys!

Rowie: Thanks for coming!!

Elroy-L: M&W!!!!

DSBlade: Great chat!

RedBaron: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ethurmnd: we love you!

Thehammer: The hammer is gone.

Poseidon: How long will you guys wait until giving up on the entire concept of Space: Above and Beyond?

Miles: thanks!

Garuda88: Thank you kindly!

Balzer: Thanks guys!

Kyril: Thanks Glen and Jim!!!!

Arphaxad: Thanks... :)

Doh: Hoorah!

Elroy-L: HOORAH!

DaveMedic2: Thanks guys!2

Poopzee: Come back again

chigette: Thank you so much

saabFaith: thanks!!!

Sensation: I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!

Moseby: Thanks guys

JooJanta: Semper fi!

GreyHunte: ThAnKs!!!!!!

Lizzerd: a great big thanks!

BrendaV: Thanks guys!!

Lisz: you´re the best

RedBaron: HOO YAH SEMPER FI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Juliaann: Thanks for the great chat

Incubus: Thank you for a wonderful series! Hope it comes back!

DSBlade: Thanks!

Poopzee: WE love you guys!!

CG: Thank you!!!

RiverRat: Thank you!

SAABer: Do it AGAIN!!!!!!!

PounceOnEm: James...Gong Hey Fat Choy

joker: thanks

ChiggiVonRichthofen: ABANDON ALL HOPE

FghtnFinn: bye! We love you!

Daemonie: Thankyou for coming guys!


Hellboy: YAAAAAA!!!!!!

Elroy-L: HOORAH!

Ophelia: woohoo, Wang might still be alive in some inane reasoning!!! WOOHO!

DarkAngel: AHhhhh

Thor: Thanks :)

vlee: thanks for the chat

Rowie: We love you!!

WAPBodie: Glen and Jim, if you're still here, thank YOU for sharing your talent and time with us!



Greyhound: this could go on forever.

DocKate: Thanks, guys, for the excellence that was Space.:)

Punchy: <Applause Applause>

Interview Source:

Interview Date:

January 27th 1998