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Bob Dawson - Millennium Cast Profile

A Millennium cast profile of Bob Dawson, listing all episodes and seasons in which Bob Dawson appeared. The main cast and guest stars of Chris Carter's Millennium have summaries, trivia and biographies where available.

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It was last viewed on Friday, January 24, 2025, 7:32 PM (UTC).

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  • February 13, 1955.


  • November 7, 2001.


  • Bob Dawson would have been 69 years old.

Personal Trivia

  • Born: February 13, 1955
  • Died: November 7, 2001 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • AKA Robert William Blair Dawson
  • Bob Dawson appeared in 3 episode/s of the Millennium television series.

Awards Won for Millennium

  • Unfortunately Bob Dawson didn't win any awards for Millennium.

Award Nominations for Millennium

  • Sadly Bob Dawson didn't receive any award nominations for Millennium.

Bob Dawson's Millennium Cast Profile

Bob Dawson - Millennium profile image.


Bob Dawson (c. 1955 – November 7, 2001) was a Canadian radio broadcaster and actor based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Dawson was a fixture on the local radio circuit during the late 1970s and 80s, holding various on-air and promotional positions at radio stations such CJOR (a holding at the time of Canadian businessman Jimmy Pattison's The Jim Pattison Group), CJJC and CKXY. Dawson was also the voice of Santa Claus on "The Rafe Mair Show" on CKNW radio, where he took the calls of children just prior to each Christmas.

Dawson moved into TV and movie work in the 1990s, during the period when Vancouver became known as Hollywood North. Dawson appeared in many locally produced television series, including The X-Files, Highlander and Stargate. Perhaps his most prominent film appearance was opposite former Seattle Seahawks linebacker turned actor Brian Bosworth in the 2000 feature film The Operative.

Bob Dawson died on November 7, 2001, in Vancouver, British Columbia, at the age of 46. The cause of death hasn't been disclosed to the public.

Profile text courtesy of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit

Bob Dawson was a member of Millennium's cast.

External Sites

Official Website

If you are aware of an official website for Bob Dawson, let us know and we'll add it to this section. Entry

Bob Dawson has an entry at the IMDB (Internet Movie Database): Entry

Bob Dawson has an entry at The Movie Database:

Wikipedia Entry

Bob Dawson has a Wikipedia entry:

Social Media Presence

Official X Profile

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Instagram Page

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Facebook Page

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Millennium Appearances

Bob Dawson appeared in the following 3 episode/s of Millennium:

MLM#-214 Owls as Helmut Gunsche

MLM#-216 Roosters as Helmut Gunsche

MLM#-304 Closure as Captain Kevin Mann

Other Ten-Thirteen shows

The X-Files:
4.04 "Unruhe" - Iskendarian (uncredited)
5.09 "Schizogeny" - Phil Rich