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Perry Lang - Millennium Crew Profile

A Millennium profile listing all episodes and seasons on which Perry Lang contributed. The main crew members have summaries and biographies where available, and we continue to add and update profile content regulary.

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Interviews with Perry Lang

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Millennium Crew Profile Stats

This profile has been viewed 3021 times.

It was last viewed on Sunday, January 26, 2025, 1:27 AM (UTC).

Profile ID



  • December 24 1959.


  • Perry Lang is currently 65 years old.

Personal Trivia

  • Perry Lang undertook a total of 1 roles on Chris Carter's Millennium television series.

Awards Won for Millennium

  • Unfortunately Perry Lang didn't win any awards for Millennium.

Award Nominations for Millennium

  • Sadly Perry Lang didn't receive any award nominations for Millennium.

Perry Lang's Millennium Crew Profile

Perry Lang - Millennium profile image.


Perry Lang began working in film at age 17. He has acted in over thirty films and seventy hours of television. His film work includes Sam Fuller‘s The Big Red One, Steven Spielberg‘s 1941, and John Sayles Sunshine State and Eight Men Out, in which Perry played one of the indicted eight who threw the 1919 World Series. Perry‘s television work as an actor includes Mash, the title character in the Emmy-winning special Hewitt‘s Just Different, A Rumor of War, and numerous guest appearances, including many projects that he has himself either written or directed.

As a writer and director, Perry started professionally writing for Tales from the Dark Side in New York. Along with a number of studio assignments, he wrote the first film he directed, Little Vegas, and rewrote the second, an action/adventure movie he also directed, entitled Men of War. Since then, Perry has directed over sixty hours of television, including NYPD Blue, ER, and Alias.

Profile text courtesy of Professional Artists Lab.

Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit

Perry Lang was a member of the Millennium crew.

External Sites

Official Website

If you are aware of an official website for Perry Lang, let us know and we'll add it to this section. Entry

Perry Lang has an entry at the IMDB (Internet Movie Database): Entry:

Sorry, there is currently no Movie Database link available to an entry for Perry Lang.

Wikipedia Entry

Sorry, we don't currently have a Wikipedia entry link for Perry Lang.

Social Media Presence

Official X Profile

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Instagram Page

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Facebook Page

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Millennium Production Roles

Perry Lang worked on the following 1 episode/s of Millennium: