Kay Reindl's Millennium Crew Profile
Kay Reindl and partner Erin Maher are talented writing partners who work in TV. They have a unique, consistent and strong voice which they used since 1997 on shows like the dark paranormal dramas "Millennium" and "Haunted". They have also been involved in the "Twilight Zone" revival of 2002, "The Dead Zone", the critically acclaimed "Moonlight" and the syndicated series "Legend of the seeker".
Profile text courtesy of The Voice of Erin Maher & Kay Reindl - Facebook.
Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit
Kay Reindl was a member of the Millennium crew.
External Sites
Official Website
An official website for Kay Reindl is available at:
IMDB.com Entry
Kay Reindl has an entry at the IMDB (Internet Movie Database):
MDB.com Entry:
Sorry, there is currently no Movie Database link available to an entry for Kay Reindl.
Wikipedia Entry
Sorry, we don't currently have a Wikipedia entry link for Kay Reindl.
Social Media Presence
X Profile
Kay Reindl has an official X (formerly known as Twitter) page:
Instagram Page
Sorry, we don't currently have an official Instagram page for Kay Reindl.
Facebook Page:
Kay Reindl has an official Facebook page:
Related Comments/Information
Kay Reindl and writing partner Erin Maher were sadly not invited to take part in the Millennium DVD Commentaries and Special Features.
However, on Kay's blog she posted the following thoughts...
Anonymous sez:
The comments about the CBS template made me think of the supplementary materials on the "Millennium Season Two" DVDs. Specifically, how everyone seems all bent out of shape over Morgan and Wong's direction for the show robbing it of the chance of becoming CSI before CSI. At least that's how I interpreted it. Good grief.
You never get credit for being ahead of the curve. Ever. And for my money, Millennium was much more intriguing as an esoteric secret history show than it would be as a precursor to CSI. Because there were already precursors to CSI. Quincy, anyone?
Millennium Production Roles
Kay Reindl worked on the following 26 episode/s of Millennium: