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Johnny Legend - Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense' - Millennium Music Profile

This page is an introduction to Johnny Legend whose music was used during the Millennium episode Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense'. A complete list of all music by Johnny Legend that was used throughout Millennium is also listed below.

Our Millennium Music Guide is based on detailed profiles for each artist, band or composer and their music which was used in a specific episode (sometimes more than one). Here you can learn more about the music and the people that created the music, including where available a description of the scenes in which their music can be heard.

You can learn more and discuss the music heard in Millennium within the dedicated music section of our This is who we are - Millennium community forums.

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Music Profile Info

This music profile has been viewed 4937 times.

It was previously viewed on Saturday, January 18, 2025, 7:58 AM (UTC).

Artist Details


Johnny Legend.


  • Rockabilly
  • Indie Rock

Music Labels:

  • Rollin Rock
  • Honeymoon Bop

Millennium Episode Details

Episode Title:

 Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense'

MLM Code:


Production Code:




Original Airdate:


Episode Summary

Controversial writer Jose Chung comes to Frank Black and the Millennium Group for help when a bizarre religious group called Selfosophy, which he's recently written a very unflattering short story about, places a price on his head. With each murdered body, issue of Playpen magazine, and Selfosophy key to happiness that the investigators come across, they find the case becoming more convoluted and utterly absurd. The question becomes, as Frank puts it, "What the hell is going on here?"

Main Crew

Written by Darin Morgan
Directed by Darin Morgan
Edited by James Coblentz

Still images from Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense'

A random image from this Millennium episode
A random image from this Millennium episode
A random image from this Millennium episode

There are a total of 255 images for Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense' which are available in our Episode Image Gallery.


Music by Johnny Legend used in the Millennium episode Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense'

An image related to Johnny Legend whose music was used in Millennium.

Johnny Legend is a California-based musician, also known for his past roles as producer, memorabilia show merchant and wrestling manager. He has appeared in horror films such as Children of the Corn III and Bride of the Re-Animator.


Where Johnny Legend can be heard in Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense'

The Millennium episode Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense' contains the following music by Johnny Legend:

  • Let's Get Goin'

    Heard in Smooth's bedroom - early morning. Smooth is sound asleep - until the alarm blares, and an annoying rock and roll tune plays loudly (Let's Get Goin'). He wakes up, and smiles cheerfully.

Johnny Legend - additional music heard in Millennium

Millennium's producers would occasionally use additional music from the same artist, band or composer. Sometimes a track or song could be heard in more than one episode of the series.

Music from Johnny Legend was used in a total of 1 episode/s of Millennium. Below is a complete list of all music by Johnny Legend heard throughout the series and the episodes in which it was used, including links to the relevant music and episode profiles:

About Johnny Legend

You can learn more about Johnny Legend's film roles in his IMDB entry'.

Song 1: Let's Get Goin'

Let's Get Goin' by Johnny Legend.

Album Title:
Are You Hep To Me? (1979 LP)
by Johnny Legend

Also available on the following:

Rockabilly Rumble (1981 LP)
by Johnny Legend & His Skullcaps

The Best Of Johnny Legend, Volume None (1997 CD)
by Johnny Legend & His Rockabilly Bastards

Rollin' The Rock, Vol.2 (1977 LP)
by Various Artists

Teenage Cruisers (Original Soundtrack) - The Cream Of California Rockabilly Rebellion (1980 LP)
by Various Artists

Let's Get Goin' can be heard during the following scenes in the Millennium episode Jose Chung's 'Doomsday Defense':

Heard in Smooth's bedroom - early morning. Smooth is sound asleep - until the alarm blares, and an annoying rock and roll tune plays loudly (Let's Get Goin'). He wakes up, and smiles cheerfully.

Listen to Let's Get Goin'

The following video clip relates to Let's Get Goin' by Johnny Legend:

This video content is hosted by third party website Youtube. With grateful thanks to the contributor. Please note we have no control over any embedded video advertising.

Official Website:

Sorry, no official website exists or is currently stored for Johnny Legend. If you are aware of an official website for this artist, please contact us and we'll add it to this page.

Other Websites:

The following other websites are listed for Johnny Legend: