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Vinny the Goo - Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me - Millennium Music Profile

This page is an introduction to Vinny the Goo whose music was used during the Millennium episode Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me. A complete list of all music by Vinny the Goo that was used throughout Millennium is also listed below.

Our Millennium Music Guide is based on detailed profiles for each artist, band or composer and their music which was used in a specific episode (sometimes more than one). Here you can learn more about the music and the people that created the music, including where available a description of the scenes in which their music can be heard.

You can learn more and discuss the music heard in Millennium within the dedicated music section of our This is who we are - Millennium community forums.

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Music Profile Info

This music profile has been viewed 4957 times.

It was previously viewed on Sunday, January 19, 2025, 12:51 PM (UTC).

Artist Details


Vinny the Goo.

Millennium Episode Details

Episode Title:

 Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me

MLM Code:


Production Code:




Original Airdate:


Episode Summary

Four vile demons, servants of evil who pose as elderly men, gather for their nightly meeting in a downtown donut shop and discuss over coffee and crullers their own personal methods of leading humanity down the path to hell. During the discussion they come to the realization that they've all encountered a gifted man who may have seen them for the demons they truly are: Frank Black.

Main Crew

Written by Darin Morgan
Directed by Darin Morgan
Edited by James Coblentz

Still images from Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me

A random image from this Millennium episode
A random image from this Millennium episode
A random image from this Millennium episode

There are a total of 170 images for Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me which are available in our Episode Image Gallery.


Music by Vinny the Goo used in the Millennium episode Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me



Where Vinny the Goo can be heard in Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me

The Millennium episode Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me contains the following music by Vinny the Goo:

  • Sexy

Vinny the Goo - additional music heard in Millennium

Millennium's producers would occasionally use additional music from the same artist, band or composer. Sometimes a track or song could be heard in more than one episode of the series.

Music from Vinny the Goo was used in a total of 1 episode/s of Millennium. Below is a complete list of all music by Vinny the Goo heard throughout the series and the episodes in which it was used, including links to the relevant music and episode profiles:

Song 1: Sexy

Official Website:

Sorry, no official website exists or is currently stored for Vinny the Goo. If you are aware of an official website for this artist, please contact us and we'll add it to this page.

Other Websites:

Sorry, we do not currently have any other stored websites for Vinny the Goo. If you are aware of a quality website for this artist, please contact us and we'll add it to this page.